The Lalu Story

Against All The Odds

सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है

वक़्त आने दे बता देंगे तुझे ए आसमान

हम अभी से क्या बताएँ क्या हमारे दिल में है

खैंच कर लाई है सब को क़त्ल होने की उमीद

आशिकों का आज जमघट कूचा-ए-क़ातिल में है

सरफ़रोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है

Let’s be civil.. or should we?

Well.. she loved driving.. but patience was never her biggest virtue.. so whenever somebody used to drive rash, she never used to fail in giving her favourite expletives to them.. she specially loved the mothers and sisters of rash drivers and was never shy to tell them that..

so one day I told her to keep calm and not really lose her cool.. she took my advice seriously. And slowly she stopped curse words.. but she started complaining about how people don’t have civic sense and how people don’t drive right and so on.. so after listening to her complaints a few time , I reached the conclusion that she was better off earlier.. couple of words and her mind was calm.. now I have to hear her lectures!!!

Corporate Chronicles-4

This is the story narrated by my roommate who was very closely attached to the whole incident.. Furthermore, he was not the hero who salvaged the situation.. so he had no reason to lie or alter the story.. but anyway, story is based on what I understood and what I remember all these years later.. so here it goes..

In the US insurance sector’s one of the top 3 biggies an issue was reported in their IT.. issue was such that it happened in the very first system in which the business leads were created and passed on to the downstream systems (the system which take the data from it)…. means no new business or even the existing business could have come to the system.. means no more incoming money.. problem was that every lead had a numeric id assigned.. the field which held this value had some capacity, lets say it can hold any number upto 10 digits.. now that system had run for so long, all the downstream systems also had the same specification.. and one fateful day id of the record reached the maximum limit of the system.. it meant nothing will work, no new lead will be created, no old business lead will be refreshed to be worked upon.. and the time it will take to fix all the systems was just too much for the business to go on without money..

so in a big room, with all the big tech guns sitting, problem was briefed to the CTO ( chief technical officer).. and the amount of time it will take.. there was a pin drop silence in the room.. CTO knew that it meant he will be fired.. so he got up from his chair, told the group that “I am going for a smoke.. I will be back in 30 minutes.. by then if we dont have a solution, I will fire everyone in this room..” and he left..

everyone knew that this is it.. they all are gonna be fired.. then came the idea in one of the person’s mind.. he suggested that ”the record id had been increasing till now, lets run it in negative and reduce it”…Eurekaaaaaaaa.. this will give the time to fix all the systems.. someone had saved the day..

The Corporate Chronicles-3

The Corporate Chronicles & The Corporate Chronicles -2 were the stories where the dark side of corporate affairs were listed but once a blue moon you come across some incidents which have a shade of positive as well.. so let me recap one such incident..

The incident happened when I was in Mangalore and had a manager named Faisal.. in my team I had a friend called Raghu.. lets just say that Raghu and I had been cut from the same cloth.. as it happened, Faisal’s hometown was near by and he used to come slightly late on Monday morning as he used to travel..

on one of the Monday mornings, we got a call from Faisal that our onsite counterpart, lets call him RG, has sent us an email and wants to discuss it.. so we opened the email and called RG.. as the task was not clear to us, we asked a few questions..and this somehow triggered RG.. he, in a very harsh tone, said that if I have to tell everything, I will do it myself.. listening to which both me and Raghu felt offended and said a terse “Ok”. And we hung up, went on to grab some breakfast..

sometime later Faisal came to office and asked about the call.. so we told him that ”it ended abruptly”.. he asked why and we gave him the details.. he said nothing.. he simply opened the email sent by RG and analysed it with me and Raghu.. and in a few minutes later, we got a semi understanding of the task.. then he called RG.. and we asked few open questions we still had.. RG could respond to a few of them, and parked a few for more discussion with the client.. but we had enough understanding to give a draft version at least..

so what all things did Faisal do well in this:

  1. he didn’t tell us that we should have done this and that, and didnt give any other gyan which most managers do.
  2. he took the time to understand our side.
  3. did his homework before calling RG.
  4. Not for a moment did he lose his cool while me and Raghu were boiling.. a word or 2 here and there could have got us exploded then and there itself..
  5. even though he didn’t say it directly, he made RG realise that even RG coulndt have done it by himself, even though his exposure was way higher than ours..
  6. in all this, client had a draft version which was sounding impossible even a few minutes ago..

i think one of the best handling of the situations..